From Mario to Ellie, Sonic to Arthur Morgan, gaming has undergone an unprecedented hero overhaul. Is it a big step into the future? In an exciting KO system, the believable protagonists are embarrassed and opposed. See that exciting Duelle in our video below.

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A Turnier of Gaming Legends

Everything starts with one thing Duell zier Urgesteine: Mario from the Super Mario Series battles Sonic the Hedgehog and. Both played the Gaming World in the 90s and are made for pure gaming fun. The siege dieses Matches must involve Link from The Legend of Zelda. So it will be another illustration of Teilnehmerfeld: Von Joel from The Last of Us about the Action-Ikone Lara Croft when he does that modern heroes like Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 or Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn.

Vom Pixel-Hero with a complex character

It is also exciting to bring the character out of the years. Während of the protagonists with Mario or Sonic during the gameplay defined, modern gaming heroes are held with Senua from Hellblade or Ellie from The Last of Us during complex character traits and emotional tension. A technical meilenstein with Gordon Freeman from Half-Life or Commander Shepard with Mass Effect has a mediocre weiterentwickelt en zezeigt, wie Storytelling in Spielen functional can.

The evolution of the Heldenreise

The final Runde des Turniers reflects perfectly broader, as the gaming protagonists have developed. Classic Action heroes with Master Chief or Nathan Drake for all the spectacular Taten shine, great characters with Geralt von Riva or Arthur Morgan during moral conflict and a lot of personal attention. The Gaming industry has learned that the real Heroes no longer go through Mut and Kraft, but become definitive through their Schwächen and inner Kämpfe.

Quiz for gaming experts: Are there any bizarre clues to the description?

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